Get better workforce insights with Savant

Optimize talent strategies, design competitive compensation packages, and boost employee engagement with Gen AI + automated analytics.
Leading companies choose Savant
Arrive Logistics

When data works for you, building a better team gets effortless

Elevated talent management

Transform how your organization identifies, attracts, develops, and retains employees.

Design competitive compensation

Ensure your compensation packages are competitive and aligned with market trends.

Predict and prevent employee turnover

Understand and improve employee satisfaction to boost productivity and reduce turnover.

Get more from your HR data — minus the manual work

Automate your analytics, track the metrics that matter, and make decisions in real time. No spreadsheets, no delays — just actionable insights, accessible to everyone.

Boost employee engagement and reduce turnover

Build dynamic HR dashboards that track critical KPIs like turnover rates, employee engagement, and hiring success. Identify trends, pinpoint areas of concern, and implement targeted initiatives.

Automate compensation analysis to stay competitive

Automate salary data collection and analysis from industry reports, market benchmarks, and internal payroll records. Integrate these data sources to gain real-time insights into market trends.

Consolidate global employee data for unified insights

Centralize, standardize, and govern employee data with Savant’s data format tools. Set up workflows to automatically merge and clean HRIS, ATS, and other systems’ data with our automation suite.

Empower your team with self-service analytics

Enable HR stakeholders to interact with data without relying on experts. Use Savant Gen AI to transform datasets through simple language prompts and make data insights accessible to everyone.

Hear what our customers have to say

The reason why we brought Savant into our ecosystem was to support self-service analytics. It is probably the easiest to use technology for our analysts and analytics engineers. The fact that Savant is cloud-native was definitely a must for us.
Layla Martin
Director of Data and Machine Learning Engineering
Savant is solving for a critical need for every single organization, but especially one that has a ton of supply chain volatility and implications. All of the analytics automation that we've been able to get with Savant has been really eye-opening.
Julia Bedanova
Chief Operating Officer
We wound up having on-hand inventory 25 to 30% higher than we would want, so several tens of millions of dollars of financial exposure. Savant enables us to properly manage our inventory and financial exposure.”
David Williamson
Chief Information Officer
Savant is not just about analytical insights. It’s really to me about it's operational improvements that are tied to those insights. Savant gives you action-oriented analytics, which is something that you don't get from a lot of tools.”
Mike Cabot
Chief Revenue Officer

Build better teams with data

Get to the heart of your workforce data. Spend more time on building a thriving workforce with automated, easy-to-access HR analytics.